International Labour Organization, Studies of Child Labour in Indonesia: 1993-1996

1/29/2007 12:00:00 AM

Penulis/Peneliti: Irwanto

International Programe on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)

Tahun: 1997

Many events concerning child labour in Indonesia have been happening ever since the launch of the IPEC Plan of Action in 1992, either on IPEC sponsorship or others.

More studies concerning child labour have also been carried out since 1993. They focus on child labour in general, or in a specific situation. The IPEC programme has been targeted at children who work in hazardous conditions with more specific attention to the girl child. Such at risk population includes those who work for small manufacturing companies, plantation, and in major dump sites, child domestic workers, child prostitutes, and bondage children workers in jermal operation. Several studies have been conducted concerning these child workers.

The objective of the present review is threefold, i.e.: (1) to help readers obtain better understanding of the magnitude of child labour issues in Indonesia; (2) to build a framework of explanation; (3) and to identify issues that need to be addressed in the future directions of research and program implementation.