dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A

8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM




Jabatan Akademik





 : 0328028306

 : Tenaga Pengajar


S1 - Unika Atma Jaya (2006)
Profesi Dokter - Unika Atma Jaya (2008)
Pediatric Residency - Philippines Children’s Medical Center (2014)
Program Adaptasi Dokter Spesialis Anak - FKKMK UGM (2021)

Ilmu Kesehatan Anak

Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
Konsep Patologi 1
Konsep Patologi 2
Konsep Patologi 3
Manajemen Pandemi
Sistem Endokrin & Metabolisme
Sistem Organ Indera
Sistem Reproduksi

dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2010, "Krabbe Disease"; Case Report Presentation at Pre Conference: National Seminar of Neuropediatric
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2012, Atypical Presentation of Bartter Syndrome as Recurrent Chronic Diarrhea
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2012, Retrocaval Ureter
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2013, Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Adolescent
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2014, Diagnosis and Management of Juvenile Dermatomyositis
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, Paracetamol as medical management or preterm neonates with hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus at Philippine Children’s Medical Center In January 2014 To January 2015
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2014, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of the parents on diarrhea, zinc supplementation, oral rehydration solution and timely care seeking for diarrhea in Outpatient Department of Philippine Children’s Medical Center
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2017, Clinical profile and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of the culture proven typhoid fever cases in children at a secondary hospital in North Jakarta
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2021, Prediktor gagal terapi pada pasien anak dengan sindroma nefrotik resisten steroid
dr. Leonardo Ageng Pramono, Sp.A, 2023, Atypical manifestation of dengue hemorrhagic fever in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, what should we know : a case series