Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes

8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM




Jabatan Akademik





 : 0328037402

 : Lektor 300


S1 - FK Unika Atma Jaya (2000)
Sp1 - Universitas Padjadjaran (2007) S2 - FK Universitas Padjadjaran (2007)
S3 - Universitas Indonesia (2017)

Patologi Anatomi

Biokimia & Fisiologi Lanjutan
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 1
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 2
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 3
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 4
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 5
Ilmu Biomedik Dasar 6
Konsep Patologi 1
Konsep Patologi 2
Konsep Patologi 3
Pengetahuan Dasar Kedokteran
Pertumb, Perkemb & Penuaan Alami
Sistem Endokrin & Metabolisme
Sistem Gastrointestinal
Sistem Organ Indera

Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2007, Korelasi Tingkat Imunoekspresi EGFR dan COX-2 dengan Pola Invasi dan Gradasi pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Rongga Mulut
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2013, Keluarga disulfit protein isomerase anggota 4 (PDIA4) di kanker payudara dengan metastasis. Indonesia journal of clinical pathology and medical laboratory
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2019, The Association of Parametrial Invasion with the Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C and Other Factors in Squamous Cell Cervical Carcinoma Stage IB and IIA
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2021, Hubungan antara mikrotransaksi dalam video game dengan adiksi video game di kalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2021, Sikap Dokter Puskesmas di Jakarta terhadap Pasien dengan Adiksi Zat Psikoaktif
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2021, The Obstacles in routine online Yoga exercise due to social restriction in covid-19 Pandemic among middle ade and elderly population
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2022, Secretome as neuropathology-targeted intervention of Parkinson’s disease
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2022, The Correlation between Night Sleep Duration and Physical Activity with Cardiorespiratory Fitness Test Results in Healthy Medical College Students: a Pilot Study
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2023, Menstrual Cycle Length and Dysmenorrhea in Female Adolescents Aged 9-18 Years
Dr. dr. Lilis Sp.PA., M.Kes, 2023, The effect of Hatha Yoga on pain intensity in severe primary dysmenorrhea among students: A randomized controlled trials