Yogiara, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM




Jabatan Akademik





 : 0319017502

 : Lektor 200



Yogiara, Ph.D. merupakan staf pengajar program studi Magister Bioteknologi, Fakultas Teknobiologi Unika Atma Jaya. Ia bergabung sejak tahun 2005. Yogiara menyelesaikan studi S1 jurusan Biologi di Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) tahun 1999. Setelah menamatkan S1, ia melanjutkan studi S2 di program studi Mikrobiologi, IPB dan lulus pada tahun 2004. Pendidikan S3 diselesaikannya di Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Korea Selatan tahun 2016. Topik penelitian yang diminati dan dikembangkan di Unika Atma Jaya adalah bioprospeksi dan biodiversitas mikrob, pencarian senyawa antibiotik asal tanaman dan mikrob termasuk di dalamnya studi mekanisme aksi antibiotik pada bakteri dan pengembangan psychobiotics dari probiotik yang diisolasi dari pangan fermenasi Indonesia. Hasi penelitiannya telah dipublikasi pada beberapa artikel ilmiah di jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan jurnal internasional bereputasi. Penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan juga sangat mendukung pengembangan dan pengayaan materi pada beberapa mata kuliah yang diajarnya pada program S1 Bioteknologi dan Magister Bioteknologi, seperti Biologi Molekuler, Bioprospeksi Mikrob, Regulasi dan Ekspresi Gen, Teknologi DNA/Teknik Biomolekuler, dan.Diagnostik Molekuler. Yogiara juga aktif dalam organisasi keilmuan seperti Ikatan Program Studi Bioteknologi Indonesia, Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, American Society for Microbiology, dan Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria and Gut Microbiome.

S1 - Institut Pertanian Bogor (1998)
S2 - Institut Pertanian Bogor (2004)
S3 - Yonsei University (2016)


Biologi Molekuler
Bioprospeksi Mikrobiologi
Diagnostik Molekuler
Lab. Teknik Biomolekuler
Teknik Biomolekuler
Topik Khusus dalam Bioteknologi
Topik Khusus Pra-Penelitian Bioteknologi

Yogiara Ph.D., 2007, Antibiotic Resistance and Integron of Vibrio cholerae Detection from School Street Foods in Jakarta
Yogiara Ph.D., 2008, Cloning, Sequencing and Characterization of The Xylan Degrading Enzymes from Geobacillus thermoleovorans IT-08
Yogiara Ph.D., 2011, Population Dynamic of Dendronephthya sp.-Associated Bacteria in Natural and Artificial Habitats
Yogiara Ph.D., 2011, Screening of Quorum Quenching Activity of Bacteria Isolated from Ant Lion
Yogiara Ph.D., 2012, Kandungan Komponen Bioaktif dan Aktivitas Antimikrob Ekstrak Bintang Laut (Culcita schmideliana)
Yogiara Ph.D., 2012, The Genetic Diversity of Endophytic and Phyllosphere Bacteria from Several Indonesian Herbal Plants
Yogiara Ph.D., 2013, Analysis of Bacterial Community Associated with Aaptos sp. from Rote and Seribu Island
Yogiara Ph.D., 2015, Escherichia coli ASKA Clone Library Harboring tRNA-Specific Adenosine Deaminase (tadA) Reveals Resistance towards Xanthorrhizol
Yogiara Ph.D., 2015, Food-grade antimicrobials potentiate the antibacterial activity of 1,2-hexanediol
Yogiara Ph.D., 2018, Short Communication: Detection of lectin gene (MLL1 and M35) in mulberry plant (Morus spp.) from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Yogiara Ph.D., 2019, Tempeh Consumption Enhanced Beneficial Bacteria In The Human Gut
Yogiara Ph.D., 2020, Characterization of antibacterial activity produced by Bacillus spp. isolated from honey and bee-associated products against foodborne pathogens
Yogiara Ph.D., 2020, PreliminaryDetection of Antibacterial Activity of Fishpond Water Bacteria against Aquaculture PathogenicBacteria
Yogiara Ph.D., 2020, The food-grade antimicrobial xanthorrhizol targets the enoyl-ACP reductase (FabI) in Escherichia coli
Yogiara Ph.D., 2020, The in Vitro Antibiofilm Activity of Bacteria Isolated From Waterfall and Marine Environment Against Human Bacterial Pathogens
Yogiara Ph.D., 2020, Understanding The Mechanism Of Biofilm Formation In Major Gram-negative and Gram-positive Pathogens with sprecial Emphasis
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Characterization of Supernatant Extract and Viability of Bacillus Subtilis Km16 and Pseudomonas spp. in Fish Feed as Biocontrol Agents Against Aquaculture Pathogens
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Comparative diversity analysis of halophiles at two polar saltern systems in Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Detection of Mulatexin in Local Mulberry Plants (Morus spp.) from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Detection of Quorum Quenching-Producing Bacteria from Rhizosphere Soil as A Biocontrol Agents
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Evaluation of the potentials of Bacillus subtilis KM16 and Pseudomonas sp. PAP 26 isolated from the hot spring and crater lakes as antibiofilm agents
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Genomic characterization of bacteriophage BI-EHEC infecting strains of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Isolation, Characterization, and Application of Bacteriophages Against Several Food Spoilage Bacteria: Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Cereus, and Shewanella Putrefaciens
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Microbial analysis and virulence genes detection of milk preserved using heat-assisted pulsed electric field
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Positive correlation between the number of bacteria in soybean tempeh with the bioactivity of its extract against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) adhesion to eukaryotic cells
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, Profil bakteri asam laktat dan evaluasi sensori dari tempe bungkus daun jati yang disuplementasi dengan daun kelor
Yogiara Ph.D., 2021, The effect of starter culture on bacterial profile in soybean tempeh
Yogiara Ph.D., 2022, Antibiofilm properties of bioactive compounds from Actinomycetes against foodborne and fish pathogens
Yogiara Ph.D., 2022, Bacteriophage DW-EC with the capability to destruct and inhibit biofilm formed by several pathogenic bacteria