International Collaborated Cyber Classroom 2 (2023)

11/9/2023 12:00:00 AM

International Collaborated Cyber Classroom 2 (2023)

Organised by Clinical Departments MK-FMHS, UTAR in collaboration with the Department of Surgery, ATMA JAYA Catholic University of Indonesia in collaboration with UTAR Surgical Society

Date: Saturday, 11 November 2023
Time: 08.00 -11.15 WIB
Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 3670 8223
Passcode: 756790

Invited Speakers:
1. Dr. Luse, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM (Endocrinologist Consultant, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
Topic: Obesity an Emerging Disease

2. Dr. Riki Tenggara, Sp.PD-KGEH, M. Kes, FINASIM (Gastroenterohepatologist Consultant, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
Topic: Metabolically Healthy Obese and MAFLD: What must we do?

3. Dr. Junita Elvira Pandji Surya, Sp.A , Subsp. Neurologi (Pediatrician Neurologist Consultant, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
Topic: "Obesse Child: neurologic impact now and than"

4. Dr. Kang Waye Hann (Clinical Assistant Professor/Endocrinologist, Department of Medicine, MK-FMHS, UTAR)
Topic: Endocrine Emergencies

5. Dr. Sugiharto Purmono, Sp.B, Subsp. BD(K)(Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
Topic: Bariatric Surgery in Indonesia

1. Dr. Irene Stephanie, General Surgeon (FKIK UAJ)
2. Dr. Lee Bee Sun , Clinical Associate Professor/Haematogist (FMHS UTAR)
3. Dr. Liew Mei Yin, Clinical Assistant Professor/Paediatrician (FMHS UTAR)
4. Dr. Yan Naing Soe, Clinical Associate Professor/General Surgeon (FHMS UTAR)
5. Dr. Andrea Ooi, Assistant Professor/Bariatric Surgeon (FHMS UTAR)

Registration Link:
Scan the QR code
(Please fill in the complete data for the certificate)

We hope that Mr/Ms. Lecturers, Prof./Doctors/ and fellow students can attend as an opportunity for us to add insight and exchange experiences with our colleagues in Malaysia through this meeting.

Clinical Departments MK-FHMS, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman & Departement of Surgery FMHS, ATMA JAYA Catholic University of Indonesia