Pada hari Minggu, 16 Juli 2023 merupakan hari terakhir (ketiga) dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan IMUN 2023. Untuk kedua kalinya program studi Ilmu Komunikasi Unika Atma Jaya dipercaya untuk menjadi host kegiatan IMUN ini. Peserta yang hadir merasakan adanya semangat untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah global yang dihadapi dunia saat ini.


Di hari ketiga ini selain ada pembagian awards bagi setiap peserta yang menajdi pemenang dalam berbagai kategori lomba yang diadakan, juga diadakan pentas seni budaya dari berbagai negara untuk menyemarakkan acara ini. Selain itu dalam kegiatan kali ini juga menampilkan 2 orang pembicara yang memberikan wawasan bagi para peserta IMUN 2023. Mereka adalah:


1. H.E. Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, Duta Besar Sri Langka untuk Indonesia.


2. Mr. Pablo Bonifaz, Division Head Mission, Kedutaan Besar Equador untuk Indonesia.


Dalam acara penutupan ini, dekan FIABIKOM Unika Atma Jaya juga memberikan kata sambutan penutup sebagai berikut:


Today marks the closing of a truly remarkable event, the International Model United Nations for Young People at Atma Jaya Catholic University Indonesia. I stand before you with immense pride as we conclude this journey of insightful discussions, innovative ideas, and profound moments of growth. Your participation and dedication have truly made this conference a resounding success.


Throughout the past few days, we have witnessed the incredible potential and passion of our young delegates. Your unwavering commitment to global affairs and the art of diplomacy has been truly inspiring. The Model United Nations serves as a platform for you to understand the complexities of the world we live in and develop the skills necessary to address the challenges we face together.


I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your active engagement, thoughtful debates, and collaborative efforts. Your resolutions and policy proposals have showcased your ability to think critically, analyze complex issues, and propose viable solutions. Your dedication to creating a better world is truly commendable.


As we conclude this conference, let us not forget the valuable lessons we have learned and the connections we have made. The skills and knowledge acquired during this event will undoubtedly shape your future endeavors. I encourage you to carry forward the spirit of diplomacy, empathy, and global citizenship that you have fostered here and apply them to your communities and beyond.


In closing, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the organizing committee, advisors, and volunteers who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Your efforts have made this conference a transformative experience for all involved. As we bid farewell, let us remember that the impact of this event extends far beyond these walls. Together, let us strive to make a lasting difference and build a more just and peaceful world for generations to come.


Thank you all for your exceptional contributions, and may you continue to be catalysts for positive change in our global society.