09/28/2016 00:00:00

Andina Dwifatma, dosen Prodi Komunikasi, Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta, menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam seminar "Digital Indonesia" di Murdoch University, Australia.


Di forum tersebut, Andina memaparkan pemikirannya tentang "Kompasiana: The Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Media in Indonesia". Berikut ini abstraknya:


With the emergence of internet and social media use, journalism is changing. News is no longer monopoly of the mainstream media. There is a shift from audience to users, meaning they can decide on what content they want to consume and why. Audience also have transformed from consumers to producers, as they are not only able to read or watch, but also to conduct their own news analysis, to make opinions, to correct errors, even to add other side of events that are not covered in the news. News becomes more like a conversation instead of a lecture. Unlike another social media with limited characters like Twitter, blog allows people to write longer. I look at Kompasiana, the first citizen blog under PT Kompas Cyber Media, part of the giant media conglomeracy Kompas Gramedia Group. Kompasiana was established in 2008 as a blog especially dedicated for Kompas daily journalists. After being opened for public, Kompasiana is now the largest citizen media in Indonesia with 300,000 members and 1,000 posts every day. I argue that there are three most intriguing attributes of Kompasiana, namely citizen journalism website, watchdog watcher of the mainstream media (or the ‘fifth estate’), and whistleblower media. Each will be explained through case examples, followed by some recommendations on how Kompasiana and citizen media in general can achieve their full potential in shaping Indonesia’s digital democracy.



Tanggapan tentang keikutsertaan Andina dalam forum itu juga disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. David T. Hill, pakar komunikasi Australia yang banyak meneliti tentang perkembangan bidang ini di Indonesia. Tanggapan beliau adalah “Kami senang sekali Bu Andina dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam Acara Mini Indonesia Update di Asia Research Centre Universitas Murdoch di kota Perth. Presentasinya sangat menarik dan berbobot. Suatu kontribusi intelektual yg sangat nyata. Selamat!”