Interoperability for Data Portability between Social Networking Sites (SNS): The Interplay between EC Software Copyright and Competition Law

1/1/2015 12:00:00 AM



The right to data portability introduced in the European Commission Proposal for the European General Data Protection Regulation as subsequently amended by the European Parliament entails a certain degree of interoperability, including between social networking sites (SNS). In the absence of specific regulation, SNS interoperability for the purpose of data portability raises issues with regard to how far copyright protection under the European Software Directive may be exempted and in which case interoperability between SNS would require competition law to intervene in software copyright domain.


Keywords: interoperability, data portability, social networking sites (SNS), software copyright, competition law


Wahyuningtyas, S.Y. (2015). Interoperability for Data Portability between Social Networking Sites (SNS): The Interplay between EC Software Copyright and Competition Law, Queen Mary Journal for Intellectual Property, 5(1), 46-67