Diskusi Panel, Pameran Budaya, dan Lomba Foto

4/28/2016 12:00:00 AM

Diskusi Panel, Pameran Budaya, dan Lomba Foto

PKBB, bekerja sama dengan Kantor Urusan Internasional dan Prodi Hospitality FIABIKOM Unika Atma Jaya mengadakan Intercultural Day yang mengangkat tema A Glimpse of the World’s Cultures at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia pada 28 April 2016. Acara yang disponsori the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan budaya dari berbagai negara kepada masyarakat dan menjadi ajang berbagi pengetahuan tentang bagaimana beradaptasi dengan budaya baru. Rangkaian acara Intercultural Day meliputi diskusi panel, pameran budaya, dan lomba foto.

Acara diawali dengan kata sambutan oleh Dr. Astuti Kusumawicitra Laturiuw Del. Castillo sebagai ketua panitia dan dilanjutkan dengan presentasi Institut Perancis di Indonesia “Institut Français d‘Indonésie” (IFI), Kedutaan Italia, dan H.E. Gladys F. Urbaneja Duran, Duta Besar Venezuela untuk Indonesia. Acara yang dibuka secara langsung oleh Dr. A Prasetyantoko, Rektor Unika Atma Jaya ini dimeriahkan oleh penampilan siswa-siswi Darmasiswa yang sedang mengikuti program Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) di Pusat Pengajaran Bahasa (PPB) Unika Atma Jaya.

Tema yang diangkat untuk diskusi panel adalah Borderless Culture. H.E. Mrs. Nirsia Castro Euevara (Duta Besar Kuba untuk Indonesia), Isabella Tirtowalujo, Ph.D. (Alumna Michigan State University, Amerika Serikat), dan Prof. Dr.phil. Hana Panggabean, Psi. (Program Magister Profesi Psikologi Unika Atma Jaya) hadir sebagai narasumber dan Dr. Eunike S. Tyas Suci, Psi., (Program Magister Profesi Psikologi Unika Atma Jaya) sebagai moderator.

Pameran budaya yang mengangkat Testing Different Cultures diisi dengan pameran foto dan pameran dari beberapa kedutaan di Jakarta, yaitu Kedutaan Cuba, Kedutaan Italia, Kedutaan Perancis, Kedutaan Polandia, Kedutaan Colombia, dan Kedutaan Venezuela. Selain itu, siswa-siswa BIPA di Unika Atma Jaya juga menyiapkan makanan khas asal negara mereka, seperti samosa (India), bubur cee (Vietnam), nasi goreng kimchi (Korea), dan nasi kari (Jepang) yang dapat dicicipi oleh peserta yang hadir. Pusat Kebudayaan Betawi juga hadir dengan jajanan dan pernak-pernik khas Betawi. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Unika Atma Jaya pun tidak ketinggalan memamerkan barang-barang etnik dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, antara lain patung, kain tenun, kain batik, senjata-senjata tradisional, dan miniatur rumah adat.  

Lomba foto mahasiswa dengan tema Your Culture and My Culture dime-nangkan oleh Rahel Stefhanie Ulina dari Fakultas Psikologi, sebagai pemenang untuk kategori Mahasiswa Unika Atma Jaya dan Chrisindo dari Universitas Tarumanegara, sebagai pemenang kategori Mahasiswa Non-Atma Jaya. Masing-masing pemenang mendapatkan hadiah sebesar Rp. 1.500.000,00.

Seluruh rangkaian acara Intercultural Day ditutup dengan makan siang di mana para peserta disuguhi salah satu kuliner khas Indonesia, yaitu soto ayam Semarang.




Intercultural Day: Talk Show, Exhibition, and Photography Competition

“A Glimpse of the World’s Cultures at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia”


The word “culture” is a simple but confusing word.  Looking up the word in the Meriam Webster Dictionary, you will find six definitions for it.  Raymond Williams writes that “culture” has three divergent meanings: as a process of individual enrichment; as a group’s particular way of life;  and as an activity pursued by means of the museums, concerts, books and movies.  Bates and Plog (1978) define culture as “a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning”.  In this case, culture includes most aspects such as patterns of thought (shared meanings that the members of a society attach to various phenomena, natural and intellectual, including religion and ideologies), patterns of behavior, artifacts (tools, pottery, houses, machines, works of art), and the culturally transmitted skills and techniques used to make the artifacts (Qingxue , 2003).

With all technological advances in the era of globalization, people are bombarded with new information and exposed to new cultures through cable television, internet and the social media. Of course getting to know a new culture through a medium is quite different from experiencing it yourself. When you travel overseas, you will very likely interact with foreigners and encounter a new culture. There is a possibility that misunderstanding may happen as a result of cultural and linguistic differences. Misunderstandings can sometimes be amusing, but they can also be troublesome.

Because of this concern, the Center for Language and Culture Studies at the Atma Jaya Institute for Research and Community Services and in collaboration with the Department of Hospitality and Tourism, and the International Office of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia would like to host this special event “A glimpse of the world’s cultures at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia”.

Objectives and Activities

The objectives of this event are:

  1. To introduce cultures from different countries to a broader public
  2. To share knowledge on how to adapt to a new culture

The event will cover the following activities:

  1. Cultural exhibition: The theme of the cultural exhibition is “Tasting different cultures”. There will be artifacts, handicrafts, and culinary samples from different countries. We would like to invite cultural centers from different countries, such as Italy, Columbia, France, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Suriname and international students from Vietnam and Japan to our university to take part in the cultural exhibition.
  2. Talk show: The theme of the talk show is ”Borderless cultures”. We would like to invite speakers from three different institutions:
    • the government
    • a foreign embassy
    • academician

c.  Photography competition: The theme of the competition is “Your culture and my culture.