The Path To Impact Of Operational Research On Tuberculosis Control Policies And Practices In Indonesia

2/8/2019 12:00:00 AM

Authors: Ari Probandari, Bagoes Widjanarko, Yodi Mahendradhata, Hary Sanjoto,Ancila Cerisha, Saverina Nungky, Pandu Riono, Sumanto Simon, Muhammad Noor Farid, Sardikin Giriputra, Artawan Eka Putra, Erlina Burhan, Chatarina U. Wahyuni, Dyah Mustikawati, Christina Widianingrum, Edine W. Tiemersma, Bachti Alisjahbana on behalf of the  Tuberculosis Operational Research Group (TORG)

Publication date: 2016 Feb 25

Glob Health Action.

Volume: 9:29866. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.29866. eCollection 2016.





Background: Operational research is currently one of the pillars of the global strategy to control tuberculosis. Indonesia initiated capacity building for operational research on tuberculosis  over the last decade. Although publication of the research  in peer-reviewed  journals  is an  important indicator  for  measuring  the success of  this  endeavor,  the  influence  of operational research  on  policy  and  practices  is considered  even more important. However, little is known about  the process by which operational research influences tuberculosis control  policy and practices.


Objective: We aimed to investigate  the influence of operational research  on tuberculosis  control  policy and practice in Indonesia  between 2004 and 2014.


Design: Using a qualitative  study design, we conducted  in-depth  interviews of 50 researchers  and 30 policy makers/program managers  and performed  document  reviews. Transcripts of these interviews were evaluated while applying  content  analysis.


Results: Operational research contributed to tuberculosis  control policy and practice improvements, including development of new policies, introduction of new practices, and reinforcement  of current program  policies and practices. However, most of these developments  had limited sustainability. The path  from the dissemination of research  results and recommendations to policy and practice  changes was long and complex. The skills, interests,  and  political  power  of researchers  and  policy makers,  as well as health  system response,  could influence the process.


Conclusions: Operational research contributed to improving tuberculosis control policy and practices. A systematic approach to improve the sustainability of the impact of operational research should be explored.



Keywords:  qualitative study; knowledge translation;  research; operational  research; tuberculosis; Indonesia