My experience to teach in bilingual classes has pushed me to expand my knowledge and improve my skills in teaching. This experience has opened my mind, showing me the important of upgrading my knowledge constantly if I want to contribute wherever and whenever I want. It was unforgettable! Studying at PGSD Unika Atma Jaya was one of the best decisions in my life. It was fantastic. There was no insurmountable challenge that I faced over the course of my career as a teacher. All the courses did satisfy the needs for knowledge and skills required by a teacher. Thank you!
Having studied as an elementary school teacher candidate at PGSD Unika Atma Jaya, I have changed myself a lot in many aspects, including soft skills and hard skills. All the lecturers are very friendly, and attentive, and they educate us to become teachers who not only can teach but also adapt to changes. Thank you to all lecturers for your friendliness, attention and your support in giving your 100% in the lessons, experience and guidance. I do hope PGSD Unika Atma Jaya will keep making innovations in terms of learning resources or methodologies so that PGSD Unika Atma Jaya and its graduates can contribute well to the sector of elementary school education. To all students of PGSD Unika Atma Jaya, keep upgrading yourself in your own version!
Studying at PGSD Atma Jaya was the best choice in my life. This is really awesome for me! Whatever difficulties I experienced while studying at Atma Jaya, I must continue to live with full responsibility. All the knowledge that I got at Atma Jaya will be my provision in the future to become a better teacher and serve the country in advancing education in Indonesia.
My experience while teaching practical at a school in Jakarta encouraged me to broaden my knowledge and improve my teaching skills. This experience opened my mind that the knowledge I have must be continuously improved so that I can work anywhere and anytime.
Alumni of Batch 2018
My academic journey is one of the most memorable life experiences for me and I am very grateful to be able to strive together with the big family of PGSD Unika Atma Jaya. Over the four years, there are a lot of unexpected experiences that I had from the campus where I attained my bachelor’s degree, be they academic or social experiences. Here, I learned together with my friends and lecturers from various backgrounds, discussing and sharing different perspectives to expand my knowledge and expertise, particularly in the area of education. Thank you PGSD Unika Atma Jaya for being part of my extraordinary college journey!