Drs. Syarief Darmoyo, M.Si.

8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM




Academic Position





 : 0312115901

 : Assistant Professor 300


S1 - Jakarta State University (1987)
S2 - University of Indonesia (2001)

Communication Science

Statistical Analysis for Business & Economics
Big Data Analytics
Marketing Research
Business Simulation
Business Statistics
Statistics I

Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2018, Effect Of Green Product, Price Perception and Green Advertising to Purchase Decision Which Mediated by Attitude On Green Products
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2018, Memutus Rantai Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan melalui Sosialisasi Relasi Gender Harmoni Pada Siswa SMAN 8 Jakarta
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2018, Sikap Bahasa Sekolah Dasar Terhadap Bahasa Indonesia Ragam Tulis Baku
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2018, The Role of Competencies and Education in Increasing Entrepreneurial Intention in Creative Economy
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2019, Effect Of Green Product and Green Advertising to Satisfaction And Loyalty Which Mediated by Purchase Decision
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2019, Manajemen Bisnis Sebagai Ilmu dan Seni
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2019, Pengembangan Bisnis Sosial dari Pengelolaan Limbah Rumah Tangga untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Jati Pulo, Jakarta Barat
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2019, Why Social Media, Price Perception and Trust to Customer Satisfaction Mediated by Purchase Decision on Online Travel Agencies
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2020, Effect of Green Product, Green Price, Green Promotion and Green Place to Purchase Decision Mediated by Consumer Attitude on Green Coffee Shop
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2020, Pelatihan Penelitian Bagi Dosen Aro Gapopin Pondok Aren, Tangerang Dengan Pendekatan Student Centered Learning
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2020, Peran Perceived Risk dan Gender pada Pengaruh Trust terhadap Online Repurchase Intention: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2020, The Impact of Green Product Innovation, Green Perceived Quality to Purchase Intention Moderated by Lifestyle on Stainless Steel Straw
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2021, Apakah Gender Memoderasi Pengaruh Trust, dan Ease-of-Use terhadap Online Repurchase Intention?
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2021, Business Simulation, Student Competency, And Learning Outcomes
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2021, Pelatihan Pembuatan Es Krim Bayam bagi Ibu-Ibu di Kelurahan Jatipulo, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2021, Peran Attitude toward The Brand sebagai Mediator pada Pengaruh Celebrity Endorsement terhadap Purchase Intention
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2021, The Role of Trust and Gender on The Influence of social media and Ewom on Millenials & Loyalty to Online Travel Agent: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2022, Millennials Intention To Purchase Online Travel Agent Products: Moderation Analysis
Drs. Syarief Darmoyo M.Si., 2022, Pengaruh Penggunaan Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Purchase Intention Pada Perusahaan Jasa Antar Barang