JAKARTA - The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta held the Hippocratic’s Oath Period 2 of 2023 on May 3rd, 2023. This event occurred at the Yustinus Building Auditorium, 15th Floor, Semanggi Campus. On this occasion, all New Doctors and their parents attended onsite, while still following the applicable health protocols.

The Hippocratic’s Oath led by Dr.dr. Felicia Kurniawan M.Kes as Dean of FKIK UAJ accompanied by DR. dr. Ign Rika Haryono, Sp.KO as Deputy of Dean, DR. dr. Poppy K. Sasmita, Sp.S., M.Kes as Head of the Medical Profession Study Program, dr. Ecie Budiyanti, M. Biomed as Head of the Bachelor of Medicine Study Program, and dr. Ricky Yue, Sp. THT-KL as Head of Student Affair and Alumni.

Also attending this activity onsite Dr. Yohanes Eko Adi Prasetyanto, S.Si as Deputy Chancellor for Research and Cooperation on behalf of the Chancellor of Atma Jaya Catholic University, Mrs. Yuliana Yuni Tri Rahayu, S.E., M. Si. as Secretary-II of Atma Jaya Foundation behalf of the Chairman of Atma Jaya Foundation and dr. Risa Anwar as Secretary of North Jakata Branch of Indonesian Doctor Association behalf of the Head of North Jakata Branch of Indonesian Doctor Association. Also attending online dr. Yudy, Sp.FM as the Head of Alumni Community of FKIK UAJ PELATARAN.

The theme adopted by 74 new Doctors this time is "Duc in Altum, Aspectrum Solis" which means Dive into the deep, gaze towards the sunrise. "Duc in Altum" is the Latin language taken from the Bible story, is the words of Jesus to Peter when He first met him. Doctors are invited to be able to dive/jump into the vastness of the world in order to find a purpose in life. New doctors are also invited not to forget the sun, as a metaphor from God, who always shines and guides in the depths of water when diving.

On this occasion, FKIK UAJ awarded new doctors with achievements, namely dr. Serline as the highest GPA winner and dr. Mikhael Tjahjady as the winner of the highest CBT score and dr. Danniel Loogman Prayogo as the winner of the highest UKMPPD OSCE score for the February 2023 period.

The struggle is still waiting for them out there as a Doctors. Congratulations on your work for the Nation and the Beloved Motherland Indonesia. To the 74 New Doctors, may God always bless and protect you.