Extension of the Collaboration of FEB AJCUI with the Indonesian Institute of Management Accountants

At the end of 2022, precisely on December 20th, the Faculty of Economics and Business Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia carried out an extension of collaboration with the Indonesian Institute of Management Accountants (IAMI), which was then followed by a campus discussion agenda with IAMI's partner universities in a hybrid manner.

The topic raised was "Sustainable Accountant Profession in the Society 5.0 Concept" with Professor Dr. Weli from Faculty of Economics and Business Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Alpin Napitupulu, CA, CPA from PT Pegadaian and Muhammad Muslim Utomo, CMA, CPMA from PT Perkebunan Nusantara III and moderated by Swee Hin, BKP, CPMA, AseanCPA.

Through this campus talk, it is increasingly strengthened that the profession in accounting will not die and even assisted by the presence of technology. Analytical skills, critical thinking, innovation and decision-making as well as being adaptive to the development of science and technology are increasingly needed in society 5.0.