Journals Managed by The Faculty of Law


Scientific journals play an important role in the development of education at the Faculty of Law, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika Atma Jaya). Here are some important aspects of this role:


1.       Improve Academic Quality:

Scientific journals are a vital platform for the publication of high-quality research and articles. With the existence of scientific journals, the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University can continue to update and improve its academic standards. Research and published articles show recent advances in the field of law and provide the latest information to academics, students, and legal practitioners.


2.     Encouraging Research and Innovation:

The presence of scientific journals encourages lecturers and students to engage in innovative and relevant research. It creates a dynamic academic environment where evidence-based research and scientific discussion are at the core of scientific and professional development.


3.     Improve Faculty Reputation:

Publication in reputable scientific journals can increase the profile and reputation of the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University nationally and internationally. This attracted the attention of the global academic community and opened up opportunities for research cooperation and knowledge exchange.


4.     As a Learning Resource and Reference:

Scientific journals provide rich learning resources for students. They can access the latest research, case analysis, and theoretical discussions, all of which aid in their learning and prepare them for actual legal practice.


5.     Support Curriculum Development:

Information and findings presented in scientific journals can be used to inform and develop the curriculum taught at the faculty. This ensures that the material taught remains relevant to the latest developments in the legal world.


6.     Improve Critical and Analytical Skills:

Through analysis and discussion of journal articles, students and lecturers can hone their critical and analytical thinking skills. This is essential for forming legal practitioners who are able to analyze and respond to complex legal issues.


The scientific journals at the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University, therefore, are tools that not only support academic and research activities, but also enrich the overall learning experience for students and assist the faculty in achieving higher standards of legal education.


Jurnal Paradigma Hukum Pembangunan is published according to accreditation standards and legal supervision to meet the needs for the publication of scientific papers in fields that are currently difficult to find. The Journal of Development Law Paradigm contains the results of research activities, conceptual thinking, and book reviews in the field of law. This communication media is published by the Faculty of Law, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Premiered April 2016 with a bi-annual publication cycle.

Articles accepted are in the form of research reports, conceptual thoughts, and legal book reviews as long as they are relevant to the editorial mission and have never been published. Articles accepted are in the form of research reports, conceptual thoughts, and legal book reviews as long as they are relevant to the editorial mission and have never been published. Manuscripts can be changed by the editor without changing the substance. The substance of the manuscript is not the responsibility of the editor. (p-ISSN 2528-7486 | e-ISSN 2654-9298)

Jurnal Gloria Justitia can be accessed by registering before entering the journal link. Open to the public students, lecturers, researchers, practitioners, and the general public. The focus of this journal is articles or writings in the field of law in general. Authors who submit articles to this journal are responsible for their writing and ensure that the article has never been published. This journal is published to meet the needs of publication of the results of thoughts and research conducted by lecturers and students of the Faculty of Law. (p-ISSN 2809-4514| e-ISSN  2827-7821)

Visio Justisia Law Journal is published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Pelita Harapan in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and serves as a forum for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific or research-based research. scientific law writing. It covers a wide range of topics, including Business Law, Antitrust and Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Agrarian Law, Health Law, Customary Law, Environmental Law, Banking Law, Cyber Law, Bankruptcy Law, WTO Law, Investment Law, Tax Law, Human Rights Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Law, and Employment Law. (print ISSN 2807-1980 | e-ISSN 2807-1603). And the display can directly access the jurnal link: