Aa Be Ce! Australian Corner in Atma Jaya Expand Your Knowledge

3/2/2019 12:00:00 AM

Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia works together with the Australian Embassy to improve regional relations especially in academic studies and strategic knowledge in general. The ultimate manifestation of this collaboration is present in the formation of #ABC corner in our Semanggi compound. This snug and modern room are filled with information regarding studies in Australia, especially universities and colleges. There are also books and novels that illustrate the southern continent well through many aspects and fields. Facilities such as wide screen TV, AC units, smooth velvety carpet along with several chairs and desk are available, a book rack in the shape of Australia is also present, and it is highlighted by curative lighting, of which all are provided by the courtesy of the Australian Government.


The main purpose of #ABC Corner or Aussie Banget Corner is allotted in it’s function as an information booth and help desk regarding information and knowledge about everything Australian. Even so, it can also be purposed for studying, group discussions, and a simple place to lay back and relax awaiting classes later in the day. All books available are to be read on-site only, it’s not permitted to be taken outside of the room. All of these facilities and functions are open for the public, not just Atma Jaya students exclusively.

As it’s the main purpose is an information booth, there will always be a volunteer from Atma Jaya students that will stand ready to answer questions and help visitors within. On the off chance, there aren’t any volunteers standing by and the place is closed, visitors could reach out to the International Office quarters to request assistance regarding the matter. We will gladly open it up and offer assistance, also in providing guides from available volunteers or staffs within the university grounds.




Written By:


Nicholas Sjailendra - Student Buddy 2018/2019