Near Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplexing

04/12/2007 00:00:00
Writer/Researcher : Sandra Octaviani BW & Mulyadi Effendy


Area of Research : Telekomunikasi


Journal : Elektra


Volume : 3, No.3


Year : 2006


Televisions are currently equipped with bilingual system, which is the use of two languages simultaneously using Near-Instantaneously Companded Audio Multiplex (NICAM) scheme. Near-Instantaneously (NI) is an audio compression scheme used in bilingual television programmes, which decreases signal bits into 11 bits. The analog audio signal already converted into 14-bit digital signal can be compressed into 11-bit digital signal. A program simulation using Matlab 7.0.1 with audio input in the form of a .wav file is proposed. It is shown that the reconstruction of the audio output signal matches the input signal.