World Environment Day 2018: Beat Plastic Pollution

6/25/2018 12:00:00 AM

The United Nations General Assembly has set the 5th of June as the World Environment Day. The declaration occurred at the Stockholm Conference in 1972. World Environment Day is the largest environmental conservation campaign in the world. The existence of this environmental campaign aims to increase global awareness of the protection of nature and Earth. Although it was established in 1972, the first World Environment Day celebration was held in 1974 under the theme "Only One Earth". Each year, the theme is different.


Beat plastic pollution poster


This year, The World Environment Day is entitled "Beat Plastic Pollution". The theme raised reminded the world that plastic contamination is now increasingly prevalent. This pollution not only pollutes the land, but also the sea. The impact of pollution kills many of the animals of this earth, such as sea birds, fish, turtles, and other marine mammals. In addition to the themes, there was also a jargon of The World Environment Day 2018, which was "If You Can not Reuse It, Refuse It". The host for World Environment Day 2018 is India.