Atma Jaya Cares Towards Environment

6/7/2016 12:00:00 AM

Atma Jaya Catholic University students can get free sterile drinking water processed using Reverse Osmosis technology.


Every year, 8 million tons of plastic waste are thrown away into the ocean. This type of waste is the most harmful element towards environment. The solution to this plastic waste problem is to minimize the use of disposable plastic items.


Jakarta, March 3, 2016 - Atma Jaya Catholic University issued a policy that encouraged all members of the university, including professors, staffs, and students, to bring their own tumblers or water bottles every day so that they can refill them at a drinking fountain. Therefore, the use of packaged water, which is packed in plastic containers, is minimized. Moreover, packaged water is not available for purchase at the campus store.


A. Prasetyantoko, the rector of Atma Jaya, stated that this policy had been implemented since January, and was intended to be a care towards environment and to increase efficiency. Therefore, tumblers were also given away to staffs. Additionally, anyone can get drinking water at the drinking fountain. Water gallon refilling spots were also established for faculties and work units.


In addition to reducing plastic waste, Atma Jaya also minimizes the use of paper. Every time a document is going to be printed, a warning message appears on the computer, reminding the users about their decision to print the document. Thus, printed documents are the ones really necessary to be printed. Furthermore, for instance, a meeting invitation can be digitally distributed instead of being printed one by one. Additionally, document sharing can be done using cloud-based system such as dropbox, google drive, etc.


"If a document needs to be printed but isn‘t official, it can be printed using recycled or used paper," said Prasetyantoko. Another effort is a decrease of electricity use by turning off electronics and air conditioners before leaving rooms. If a room is already well lit by sunlight, turning on lights is unnecessary. Furthermore, if one is physically able to reach a place on different floors using stairs, it is better to use them than taking elevators.


This environmental care movement was entitled CerMat KerLap (Smart and Sparing Use of Paper, Electricity, Water, and Plastic). Many financial and non-financial benefits were generated, such as less money spent on packaged water, less plastic waste, and a healthier environment.


"This program will continuously take place in order to raise the university community‘s care towards environment. Hopefully, this behavior not only occurs at the campus, but is also internalized and occurs in other environments. Consequently, we can contribute to minimizing environmental issues starting from our campus," said Prasetyantoko.