Reliability and External Validation of The Raven Standard Progressive Matrices

09/13/2017 00:00:00

Christiany Suwartono, Cahyo Pratomo Amiseso, and Restu Tri Handoyo



 This study aims to provide the latest information about the reliability and validity of the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) in the context of Indonesia. In this study, we use data (N = 583) that has been provided, with an age range between 13-61 years old. The researcher used Cronbach’s Alpha method to test the reliability of SPM and the criterion validity method with the Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) as a measurement benchmark to test SPM’s external validity. The results showed that SPM has reliability 0,84. SPM also proved valid with criterion validity method (r(136) = 0,64, r2= 0,41, p <0,01). Future research could explore the diagnostic utility of the SPM with specific groups, such as groups of intellectually gifted individuals and groups of individuals with disabilities intelligence.


Keywords: Raven Standard Progressive Matrices, Culture Fair Intelligence Test, reliability, external validity.



Suwartono, C., Amiseso, C. P., &Handoyo, R. T. (2017). Uji Reliabilitas dan Validitas Eksternal The Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices. Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Humanitas, 14 (1).