Dr. Yasintha Soelasih, M.Si.

8/30/2023 12:00:00 AM




Academic Position





 : 0310126701

 : Head Lector 550


S1 - Atma Jaya Catholic University (1991)
S2 - University of Indonesia (2003)
S3 - Padjadjaran University (2012)


Marketing Management
Sustainability Marketing Management
High-Tech Product Marketing
Marketing Research

Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2015, Is physical evidence still valid? A study of low cost carriers in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2016, Analisis Pengaruh Service Quality dan Experiental Marketing Terhadap Brand Image Commuter
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2016, Anthropomorphizing Nature: The Consequences Toward Consumer’s Green Behavior And Green Product Attitude
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2016, Antropomorfisme Konsumen Pada Alam Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Sikap Terhadap Program Green Cause-Related Marketing
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2016, Pengaruh Experiential Marketing dan Citra Merek terhadap Kepuasan Penumpang Kereta Api Bisnis
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2017, Kepuasan Konsumen Tidak Selalu Membentuk Loyalitas
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2017, What Effects Repurchase Intention of Online Shopping
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2018, Analysis of Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty and the Moderating Role of Customer Demographics: A Study of Indonesian Train Service
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2018, Brand Action for Environmental Sustainability: Is Brand a Hero or A caregiver
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2018, How E-Service Quality, Experiental Marketing, and Price Perception to Make Repurchase Intention on On-Line Shopping?
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2019, Anteseden Behavioral Intentions Pada Pengguna Jasa Transportasi Bus Tarif Premium
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2019, Anthropomorphic Green Advertising: How to Enhance Consumers Environmental Concern
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2019, Is there a Difference in Perceived Service Quality on Indonesia Low-Cost Carrier Passengers?
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2019, Pembentukan Word Of Mouth Pada Perusahaan Penerbangan Bertarif Murah di Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2020, Analisis atribut toko online terhadap repurchase intention dengan mediasi customer satisfaction di Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2020, Pertimbangan Konsumen dalam Purchase Decision Obat Bebas Painkiller
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2020, Strategies to Maintain Aviation Consumers During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2020, Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pembelian Green Product pada Generasi Muda
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, Antecedents: Ease of Use, Diskon, Risk dan Wide Acceptability terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen dalam Penggunaan Dompet Digital
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, Customer Loyalty: The Difference between Full-Service Carriers and Low-Cost Carriers in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, Customer Service VS Self-Service Quality Experiment: Which One is A Better Strategy for Airlines in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, Main Factors of Nullity of Marriage in the Chatolic Church of Bogor Diocese
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, Pelatihan Persiapan Orang Tua Murid SD Katolik Nusa Melati Jakarta Timur dalam Menghadapi Sekolah Online di Era New Normal
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2021, The Effect of Word-of-Mouth on Purchase Intention: A Case Study of Low-Cost Carriers in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2022, Forming Purchase Intentions on Plant-Based Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2022, Komunikasi Masa Periklanan
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2022, Pembentuk Intention to Use Dompet Digital melalui Consumer Attitude
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2022, The Factors of Millennials’ Continuance Intention to Use Digital Wallets in Indonesia
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2023, Faktor-faktor yang membentuk green buying behavior tas belanja ramah lingkungan
Dr. Yasintha Soelasih M.Si., 2023, Shaping Factor of The Normative Behavior of The Catholic Believers