Course descriptions and CPMK

05/24/2022 00:00:00



MFP 100 Etika Profesi / Teacher Ethics (2 sks)

Perkuliahan ini membantu mahasiswa memahami kode etik guru dan fungsinya bagi citra dan peran guru sebagai tenaga profesional di dalam konteks pendidikan kiwari di Indonesia dan di dunia global. Pemahaman ini mencakup: pengertian kode etik (dan kode perilaku); fungsi kode etik guru; cakupan relasi-relasi dan unsur-unsur di dalam kode etik guru; dan relevansi antara etika personal dan etika profesi. Dengan pemahaman ini, mahasiswa  diharapkan mampu menginternalisir nilai-nilai dan kebajikan-kebajikan yang terkandung di dalam kode etik (dan kode perilaku) guru, serta mulai membangun sikap dan perilaku sebagai calon guru profesional di dalam dirinya.


  1. Memiliki pemahaman dasar mengenai pengertian, fungsi dan karakteristik kode etik guru.
  2. Bersikap kritis terhadap penerapan-penerapan kode etik guru di lingkungan pendidikan di Indonesia
  3. Menginternalisasi nilai-nilai dan kebajikan-kebajikan yang terkandung di dalam kode etik guru.


MFP 110 Pendidikan 5.0 / Education 5.0 (2 sks)

Mata kuliah Education 5.0 mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk membentuk pola pikir pendidikan 5.0. Secara khusus, pertama, mata kuliah ini membuka wawasan mahasiswa tentang society 5.0 dan pendidikan yang relevan untuk society 5.0 ini. Kedua, mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan mengenai kareakteristik pendidikan 5.0 dan kompetensi yan g relevan untuk karakteristik pendidikan ini. Terakhir, mata kuliah iini  mendorong mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan pola pikir pendidikan futuristik dengan menganalisis gap yang ada antara pendidikan saat ini dan kebutuhan pendidikan 5.0.


  1. Memahami konsep revolusi industri dan korelasinya dengan pendidikan.
  2. Memahami karakteristik pendidikan 4.0 berdasarkan perkembangan revolusi industri 1.0-4.0 .
  3. Memahami konsep ‘skills’ yang dibutuhkan di pendidikan 4.0.
  4. Menghasilkan pemikiran kritis  terhadap aspek pendidikan 4.0 yang prioritas sekolah harus benahi berdasarkan perpektif pengalaman belajar mereka di SMA.
  5. Menghasilkan pemikiran kritis  terhadap ‘skills’ yang menjadi prioritas untuk dibangun berdasarkan perpektif pengalaman belajar mereka di SMA.
  6. Memiliki kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi untuk mendukung pemikiran kritis mereka melalui survei sederhana ke siswa SMA.
  7. Memahami konsep Social emotional Learning (SEL) sebagai salah satu pilar untuk membangun skill yang dibutuhkan di pendidikan 4.0.
  8. Menghasilkan pemikiran kritis terhadap SEL dari perpektif pengalaman belajar mereka.
  9. Menggali konsep human-centred technology dalam proses pembelajaran 4.0.
  10. Menghasilkan draft rancangan untuk mempromosikan skills untuk investasi karakteristik pendidikan 4.0 di masa mendatang.
  11. Menghasilkan video persuasif utk mempromosikan skills yang perlu diinvestasikan utk pengembangan karakteristik pendidikan 4.0 .


MFP 130 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) / Introduction to ICT for education (4 sks)

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memperlengkapi mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman, baik teoritis maupun praktis, mengenai konsep ICT (Information Communication Technology) dalam dunia pendidikan secara umum dan dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas secara khusus. Di paruh semester pertama, mahasiswa akan belajar mengenai konsep dasar ICT termasuk karakteristik peserta didik abad 21, literasi digital (ICT literacy), pembelajaran berbasis teknologi, model-model pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning), serta pemanfaatan ICT tools seperti LMS, aplikasi online/gemifikasi, dan media sosial dalam pembelajaran.  Di paruh semester kedua, mahasiswa akan mengeksplorasi penggunaan digital tools untuk kegiatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran, termasuk penggunaan Microsoft Office, online form designer, dan aplikasi audio visual. Pada akhir semester, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu membuat media digital yang sesuai dengan konteks pendidikan abad 21. Mata kuliah ini menerapkan model pembelajaran project-based learning dengan fokus pada pengembangan keterampilan abad 21 (critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation, communication & collaboration).


  1. menjelaskan definisi dan hakikat ICT dalam Pendidikan
  2. menerapkan keterampilan literasi ICT
  3. mengidentifikasi model-model pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning)
  4. membuat produk digital


IWK 101 Interaksi Bahasa Inggris / Interacting in English (6 sks)

This course is intended to train the students’ English skills related to social issues close to the students’ lives at the level of CEFR B1. The students will learn how to do mind mapping, review, and express agreement and disagreement toward others’ opinions. They will also learn how to interview other people and write the interview report. At the end of the course, students will produce a short movie about some social issue; therefore, they will also learn how to write a script, design a storyboard, and do basic video editing.


  1. The students are able to express oneself‘s familiar topics on a range of immediate circle.
  2. The students are able to mind map texts which raise recent social issues.
  3. The students are able to write a review about texts which raise social issues.
  4. The students are able to show agreement or disagreement toward a particular social issue in a discussion.
  5. The students are able to interview other people to get more information about some social issues.
  6. The students are able to write an interview report.
  7. The students are able to write a script.
  8. The students are able to design a storyboard.
  9. The students are able to do basic video editing


IWK 103 Tata Bahasa Inggris dalam Konteks Umum / English Grammar in General Context (2 sks)

This course is an adjunct to the Interacting in English (IWK 101) course. The course is designed to improve learners’ knowledge of grammar to reach CEFR B1 and help them to master the grammatical constructions and features related to social issues so that learners will be able to use them for producing a short movie about some social issues, which is the outcome of the Interacting in English (IWK 101) course.


  1. Students can use tenses in describing recent social issues.
  2. Students can use tenses in writing a review about recent social issues.
  3. Students can use argumentative sentences to express agreement and disagreement about recent social issues.
  4. Students can use interrogative sentences used in an interview about recent social issues.
  5. Students can use reported speech and synthesize sentences in writing a report about recent social issues.
  6. Students can organize ideas using conjunctions, linking words, and subordination in writing a video script.





MFP 140 Psikologi Perkembangan / Developmental Psychology (4 sks)



IWK 102 Kreasi Kreatif nonfiksi / Creativity in non-fiction (6 sks)

This course is intended to train the students’ English skills related to global social issues at the level of CEFR B2. The students will learn how to read scientific articles critically, including identifying the text structures and language features, comparing texts, conducting content analysis, and expressing agreement and disagreement toward the issues raised in the texts. Afterwards, students are expected to write a hortatory exposition essay on the issue understudy. At the end of the course, students will produce animated videos presenting the essay based on a previously developed script and storyboard.


  1. The ability to mind map ideas in non-fiction articles.
  2. The ability to identify the language features and generic structures of non-fiction articles from magazines
  3. The ability to present the review result of non-fiction article to other people.
  4. The ability to compare and contrast several non-fiction articles on the same topic in terms of certain ideas or concepts.
  5. The ability to select different ideas or concepts which fit better to one’s viewpoint and argue for that position.
  6. The ability to compose an argumentative and persuasive essay.
  7. The ability to write a script: subskills: organizing ideas and the use of persuasive and argumentative language
  8. The ability to design a story board
  9. The ability to create video animation


IWK 104 Tata Bahasa Inggris dalam Konteks Akademik / English Grammar in Academic Context (2 sks)

Course description: This course is an adjunct to the Creativity in Non-fiction (IWK 102) course. The course is designed to improve learners’ knowledge of grammar to reach CEFR B2 and help them to master the grammatical constructions and features related to global social issues so that learners will be able to use them for producing a hortatory exposition essay and animated video to present the essay, which is the outcome of the Creativity in Non-fiction (IWK 102) course.


  1. Students can use the relevant language features as exemplified in the scientific articles
  2. Students can use argumentative sentences to express agreement and disagreement
  3. Students can use various types of sentences needed to write an expository essay
  4. Students can organize ideas using conjunctions, linking words, and subordination in writing an expository essay.


IWK 106 Metodologi Penelitian / Research Methodology (4 sks)

This course is intended to introduce the elements of doing basic research in English Language Teaching (ELT). Throughout the semester there are at least two major goals that will be covered. The first one will be to expose the students to the basic framework of research planning and preparation. The second one will be to address the students’ ideas for a research design. By the end of the course, students are expected to be familiar with the basic elements required for conducting scientific research and are able to apply their knowledge by making a research design on a topic related to ELT.


  1. Making a research design for research in ELT, English language and applied linguistics, and Englishpreneurship
  2. Designing the methodology of survey-based research on ELT in EFL and ESL contexts
  3. Designing the methodology of observation-based research on ELT in EFL and ESL contexts
  4. Designing the methodology of experimental-based research on ELT in EFL and ESL contexts
  5. Designing the procedure for analyzing and interpreting qualitative data





MFP 120 Design Thinking dalam Pendidikan / Design Thinking in Education (2 sks)

Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan konsep pendekatan design thinking dan implementasinya dalam menghasilkan produk inovasi pembelajaran.


  1. Menguasai konsep pendekatan design thinking dalam pendidikan.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan inovasi pembelajaran di tingkat SD melalui pendekatan design thinking.


IWK 201 Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui Karya Sastra / Teaching English through Literature (4 sks)

This course explores the characteristics of literary genres to be used in teaching English. The course firstly differentiates between the “study” of literary work (in literature study) and the “use” of literary work (in language teaching). The use of literary work focuses on exploiting literary works as language teaching media and materials. Students will learn how to exploit literary texts and use of dramatic techniques in teaching various aspects of English (e.g. grammar, speaking, writing, etc.). At the end of the course, students will be able to adapt, develop, and exploit literary texts for language teaching purposes.


  1. Explain what Literature is and its genre
  2. Explain what short fiction is
  3. Explain the elements of Plot, character, setting, theme
  4. Analyzing short fictions
  5. Explain why using literature for teaching EFL.
  6. Explain what kind of literary materials to use for teaching EFL
  7. Explain how to develop a lesson plan for teaching short fiction
  8. Explain what poetry is
  9. Explain figurative language and phonetic forms
  10. Analyzing poems
  11. Explain how to develop a lesson plan for teaching poetry
  12. Explain what drama is
  13. Analyzing drama
  14. Explain how to develop a lesson plan for teaching drama


IWK 203 Metode Pengajaran Bahasa untuk Melatih Kemampuan Mendengar dan Berbicara / Language Teaching Methodology for Listening and Speaking Skills (4 sks)

This course explores techniques of teaching various English language elements as well as listening and speaking skills in ESL / EFL contexts. It highlights theories of teaching listening and speaking skills, including the problems and solutions.  There will also be introduction to a wide-range of methods and strategies to teach listening and speaking skills to learners of different school levels. In completing the course, students have to create their own integrated listening and speaking activities, exercises, and tasks that are suitable for learners from different school levels and age groups.


  1. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of various teaching approaches
  2. Explain various techniques for teaching English elements and skills
  3. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of the four strands of language learning as well as the applications of the four strands to listening and speaking instructions
  4. Explain strategies, problems and solutions of teaching listening and speaking skills
  5. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of teaching listening skills: pre, during, and post listening components
  6. Create class activities for teaching listening by applying various English language elements and listening theories
  7. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of teaching speaking skills, including sequencing and structuring practices, as well as formal speaking
  8. Design and develop classroom tasks for teaching speaking skills
  9. Design learning listening and speaking activities  using various teaching approaches
  10. Design and develop activities, exercises, and tasks for teaching pronunciation
  11. Provide positive constructive feedback on the students’ listening and speaking performance and work
  12. Create activities for teaching integrated listening and speaking skills


IWK 205 Metode Pengajaran Bahasa untuk Melatih Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis / Language Teaching Methodology for Reading and Writing Skills (4 sks)

This course explores techniques of teaching various English language elements as well as reading and writing skills in ESL / EFL contexts. It highlights theories of teaching reading and writing skills, including the problems and solutions.  There will also be introduction to a wide-range of methods and strategies to teach reading and writing skills to learners of different school levels. In completing the course, students have to create their own integrated reading and writing activities, exercises, and tasks that are suitable for learners from different school levels and age groups.


  1. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of various teaching approaches
  2. Explain various techniques for teaching English elements and skills
  3. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of the four strands of language learning as well as the applications of the four strands to reading and writing instructions
  4. Explain strategies, problems and solutions of teaching reading and writing skills
  5. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of teaching reading skills: pre, during, and post reading components
  6. Create class activities for teaching reading by applying various English language elements and reading theories
  7. Explain pedagogical theories and principles of teaching writing skills, including collaborative writing, structured writing, and text-based composition writing
  8. Design and develop classroom tasks for teaching writing skills including the writing processes
  9. Design learning reading and writing activities using various teaching approaches
  10. Design and develop activities, exercises, and tasks for teaching grammar
  11. Provide positive constructive feedback on the students’ reading and writing performance and work
  12. Create activities for teaching integrated reading and writing skills.


IWK 207 Pengantar Ilmu Linguistik / Introduction to Linguistics (4 sks)

This course aims at providing the students’ competence with (i) the knowledge about language, the relation between language and brain, as well as linguistics knowledge and its subfields, i.e. phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics as well as language acquisition, and (ii) the skills to use two programs which are commonly in linguistics, especially for data collection and data annotation and translation, i.e. Audacity and ELAN. Some linguistics cases, particularly in English and Indonesian languages, will be discussed in order to enhance the students’ linguistics competence.


  1. Students can identify and explain key concepts in linguistics
  2. Students can analyze linguistic data
  3. Students can collect and transcribe linguistic data


IWK 209 Keberagaman budaya Indonesia dan Multikulturalisme / Indonesian Cultures and Multiculturalism (2 sks)

Sebagai mata kuliah awal yang memperkenalkan mahasiswa dengan dunia pengajaran BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing), Mata kuliah Indonesian Culture and Multicultiralism dirancang sebagai ‘sarana’ untuk memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia kepada mahasiswa untuk menambah ‘wawasan keindonesiaan’ mereka. Selain itu, mata kuliah ini juga memberikan kesempatan bagi para mahasiswa untuk mentransfer ‘wawasan keindonesiaan’ mereka kepada pemelajar BIPA tingkat 1 dan 2 dalam bentuk pembuatan materi informatif tentang budaya Indonesia.


  1. Menjelaskan tema pembelajaran: (1) keberagaman di Indonesia, (2) sistem kekerabatan, adat istiadat, dan sopan santun di Indonesia, (3) agama di Indonesia, (4) sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, (5) pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia, (6) sistem pemerintahan dan peradilan di Indonesia 
  2. Membuat catatan budaya singkat mengenai (1) keberagaman di Indonesia, (2) sistem kekerabatan, adat istiadat, dan sopan santun di Indonesia, (3) agama di Indonesia, (4) sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, (5) pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia, (6) sistem pemerintahan dan peradilan di Indonesia di Indonesia bagi pemelajar BIPA tingkat 1 dan 2.
  3. Menganalisis perbedaan yang berhubungan dengan konsep (1) keberagaman, (2) sistem kekerabatan, adat istiadat, dan sopan santun, (3) agama, (4) sistem pendidikan, (5) pelayanan kesehatan, (6) sistem pemerintahan dan peradilan dalam konteks budaya lokal dan asing,
  4. Menyesuaikan materi presentasi yang terkait tema pembelajaran dengan karakteristik pembelajar BIPA tingkat 1 dan 2.


IWK 211 Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Khusus / English for Specific Purposes (2 sks)

This course is intended to prepare students to become teachers of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In this course, students are trained to conduct observation to gather information of the English language used in various units of a specific field, such as banking, tourism, hospitality, etc. They learn how to design instruments to gather the linguistic data needed for teaching English in a specific field. Throughout the course, students are equipped with the skills to compile, interpret, present and produce an observation report from the obtained information.


  1. The students are able to explain the nature of ESP accurately.
  2. The students are able to conduct needs analysis to gather information related to the contexts in which English is used and English linguistic data, in terms of language functions and technical terms, in various units in the fields under observation dan survey accurately and appropriately.
  3. The students are able to compile, interpret, and present the obtained information of the stakeholders’ needs of the targeted ESP area appropriately.
  4. The students are able to write a report on the results of  the needs  analysis accurately  and appropriately.


IWK 213 Pengenalan Pendekatan CLIL / Introduction to CLIL (2 sks)

This course aims at providing the students’ competence with the knowledge of the concepts and terms about teaching and learning that are central to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). It covers pedagogic issues including strategies and techniques for introducing and developing the approach in classrooms. Curricular variation in CLIL based on research will be discussed. Students will analyze the procedure in teaching content subjects using English as medium of instruction from the examples of CLIL classes of different levels of education as well as the ones from their own observation in real classes.


  1. Explain what CLIL, the benefits and the challenges
  2. Explain the development of CLIL and the driving forces behind CLIL.
  3. Explain why CLIL is relevant to contemporary education and to the teaching profession
  4. Explain the curricular variation in CLIL
  5. Explain CLIL as a theoretical concept: connecting content learning and language learning
  6. Explain CLIL as a theoretical concept: Language learning and language using
  7. Explain CLIL as a theoretical concept: From Cultural Awareness to Intercultural Understanding
  8. Explain CLIL as a theoretical concept: A holistic view
  9. Explain: Transforming theory into practice
  10. Explain the features of CLIL from the video examples





IWK 202 Kreatif Berbahasa: Menulis dan Membaca di Depan Umum / Creative Writing and Public Speaking (6 sks)

This course is intended to train the students to produce a creative writing in the form of speech manuscripts and present them in virtual public settings. The students will produce one informative and one persuasive speech script on popular topics and deliver them to the public through videos.


  1. Students are able to select a speech topic by applying audience analysis and based on their interest and knowledge.
  2. Students are able to determine the speech purpose.
  3. Students are able to develop the main points and supporting details of a speech.
  4. Students are able to develop a coherent speech structure in the written form.
  5. Students are able to deliver messages creatively through various language styles.
  6. Students are able to explain the basic concept of public speaking and its traits.
  7. Students are able to express ideas coherently and critically.
  8. Students are able to speak confidently and eloquently in public within a specific time frame.
  9. Students are able to prepare audio-visual media to enhance the effectiveness of the presentation.
  10. Students are able to assess the effectiveness of a speech delivery.


IWK 204 Keterampilan MenulisProposal Penelitian / Research Proposal Writing (4 sks)

In this course, advanced level English learners will be trained to design research and required to write their research design in the form of a research proposal. Students will learn how to effectively use elements of academic essays in writing a research proposal. They will have ample assignments to outline their ideas and write introduction, literary review, theoretical framework, and research methodology in their research proposal.


  1. Students are able to identify the format of a research in journal articles.
  2. Students are able to identify the components of a research proposal.
  3. Students are able to elaborate the components of academic essays in a research proposal.
  4. Students are able to develop relevant ideas to develop components of a research proposal.
  5. Students are able to write introduction, literary reviews, theoretical framework and methodology, and references of a research proposal.


IWK 206 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar / Academic Content Creation (6 sks)

This course aims at providing the students’ competence with the knowledge about curriculum in general, including the syllabi for language teaching, English curriculums especially those for elementary schools as well as junior, senior, and vocational high schools. In this course, students will develop English lesson plans, which include the learning objectives, materials, activities, and assessments. At the end of the course, students will produce ICT-based English learning modules.


  1. Explaining curriculum development in general and in Indonesia up to the implementation in the 21st century (esp. for English subjects) including elements of curriculum and syllabus
  2. Explaining about Cambridge curriculum
  3. Formulating learning objectives
  4. Developing instructional / learning materials
  5. Justifying the adoption and adaptation of English materials for lesson plan designs.
  6. Adapting classroom learning materials and activities into ICT-based teaching and learning materials using digital teaching tools
  7. Integrating various language assessment instruments into up-to-date methods of language teaching
  8. Constructing language tests with various item types for measuring ones’ skills and language knowledge
  9. Developing English lesson plans
  10. Developing ICT-based English learning modules


IWK 208 Tata Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian Grammar (4 sks)

Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan tata bahasa bahasa Indonesia yang berfokus pada penggunaan imbuhan yang membentuk verba dan nomina, dan pada penggunaan konjungsi yang tepat. Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengenali bentuk dan makna imbuhan, mengklasifikasinya sesuai dengan maknanya, membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan verba atau nomina tersebut dalam konstruksi kalimat aktif atau pasif, serta mampu membandingkan fungsi penggunaan konjungsi dan menggunakannya dalam konstruksi kalimat yang benar.


  1. Mahasiswa mampu mengenali bentuk morfofonemis imbuhan ber- dan meN-.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu mengenali ciri-ciri struktural pemakaian verba asal, imbuhan pembentuk verba, nomina, dan nominalisasi -nya dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai
  3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami pemakaian verba asal, imbuhan pembentuk verba, nomina, dan nominalisasi -nya dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami makna imbuhan pembentuk verba, nomina, dan nominalisasi -nya dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai
  5. Mahasiswa mampu mengasah kemampuan mengenali bentuk-bentuk imbuhan pembentuk verba dan nomina sejenis yang muncul dalam konteks sehari-hari, baik dalam ragam tulis maupun lisan
  6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami strategi pembelajaran pemakaian verba asal, imbuhan pembentuk verba, nomina, dan nominalisasi -nya dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai
  7. Mahasiswa mampu memahami pemakaian konjungsi pertentangan dan penambahan dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai.
  8. Mahasiswa mampu memahami makna konjungsi pertentangan dan penambahan dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai.
  9. Mahasiswa mampu memahami strategi pembelajaran pemakaian konjungsi pertentangan dan penambahan dalam kalimat dan konteks yang sesuai.
  10. Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji ulang beragam bentuk kalimat di Bahasa Indonesia


IWK 210 Penerjemahan / Translation (2 sks)

In the first half of the semester the subject focuses on post-editing activities in English-Indonesian translation while in the second half the focus is on Indonesian-English translation post-editing. Students will work with the Google Translate to produce a machine-generated translation for a range of text genres but not limited to general, literary, and legal texts. The students will revise the machine-generated translation products individually and/or in a small group by using some basic techniques and skills involved in post-editing in order to achieve an acceptable final translation output.


  1. Menjelaskan konsep idiomatic translation.
  2. Menjelaskan konsep post-editing.
  3. Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis idiomaticity (naturalness, clarity) hasil terjemahan Bahasa Inggris-Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Indonesia-Bahasa Inggris.
  4. Menerapkan teknik dan strategi postediting dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.





Mata Kuliah Wajib sebagai bagian dari Asistensi Mengajar di Sekolah:

IWK 301 Multikulturalisme dalam Pendidikan / Multiculturalism in Education (2 sks)

This course is designed to increase student teachers’ awareness and sensitivity to cross-cultural issues in school context. Student teachers observe various aspects of the students’ culture such as backgrounds, values, communications, beliefs, and social relationship, and analyze how they are manifested in the teaching learning processes. By the end of the course, student teachers provide recommendations to cultivate multiculturalism in learning environment.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Identify various aspects of their students’ culture such as backgrounds, values, communications, beliefs, and social relationship.
  2. Analyze how the students’ cultural diversities affect the teaching learning processes.
  3. Evaluate the multiculturalism issues occurred in the teaching learning processes.


IWK 303 Pengembangan media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berbasis TIK / ICT-based Instructional Design (4 sks)

This course is an adjunct to IWK 305 Language Assessment. Student teachers identify the ELT curriculum, syllabi, and instructional design models in school context. Afterwards, they design and develop ICT based lesson and instructional materials with the media to support the teaching learning process. This course also introduces student teachers to the Flipped Learning model and require them to apply it in their lesson planning. By the end of the course student teachers have the knowledge and skills to use pedagogy-supportive applications as well as social media to further enhance the teaching and learning.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Identify the ELT curriculum, syllabi, and instructional design models implemented in the assigned schools.
  2. Design ICT based lesson for ELT
  3. Develop appropriate ELT instructional materials and media using educational tech tools.
  4. Design a lesson using the Flipped Learning model.


IWK 305 Pengembangan Alat Uji Kemampuan Berbahasa / Language Assessment (4 sks)

This course is an adjunct to IWK 303 ICT-based Instructional Design. Student teachers are introduced to basic knowledge of language tests and the main principles of test constructions for assessing language elements and the four language skills, which cover various types of tests, characteristics of a good test, types of test items, ways of constructing classroom tests, as well as the scoring criteria and techniques. Having acquired the knowledge of constructing the tests, student teachers are assigned to design and develop ICT based language tests with different item types throughout the semester.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Identify characteristics of a good test: the concept of validity, reliability, practicality, and authenticity.
  2. Integrate various language assessment instruments into up-to-date methods of language teaching.
  3. Construct language assessment blueprint.
  4. Develop ICT based language assessments: tests and non-tests, for measuring learners’ language knowledge and skills.
  5. Develop scoring rubrics for different types of assessments.


IWK 307 Pengajaran Mikro / Micro Teaching (6 sks)

This course prepares the student teachers for the internship program by observing the teaching performance of the teacher at school and the on-going teaching learning processes. This course also provides the occasion for the student teachers to do partial practice teaching in a classroom setting and to develop related lesson plan for the teaching. By the end of the course, the student teachers are required to reflect on their own teaching performances.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Observe the teaching performance of the teacher at school.
  2. Analyze the on-going teaching learning processes.
  3. Develop lesson plans based on the given topics.
  4. Teach partially as teacher assistants at school.
  5. Reflect their own teaching performances in the classroom setting.

IWK 309 Pengelolaan Kelas / Classroom Management (2 sks)

This course provides best practices in classroom and behavior management from organizing time, materials, and classroom space to strategies for managing individual and large group student behaviors. Student teachers are asked to observe and analyze various aspects of classroom management, which are classroom interaction, classroom organization, and behavior management.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Analyze the strategies that teachers employ to promote a harmonious learning environment.
  2. Observe the techniques that teachers use to structure classroom interactions and activities to promote learning, including communication, relationships, time, and the arrangement of the physical environment.
  3. Analyze the strategies that teachers use to constructively manage individual and group behaviors in order to encourage and support students’ academic, behavioral, and social learning.


IWK 311 Pendidikan Inklusi / Inclusive Education (2 sks)

An introductory course to expose student teachers to a variety of students’ special needs that can obstruct their learning capacities. Student teachers are asked to identify students’ behaviors which may need special attention in the real classroom. Afterwards, they examine the strategies employed by the teachers to handle those students.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Explain types and characteristics of special needs that may obstruct students’ learning capacities.
  2. Explain the strategies that can be employed to handle students with special needs.
  3. Observe students with special needs which obstruct their learning capacities in the real classroom setting.
  4. Analyze the teachers’ strategies in handling students with special needs in the real classroom setting.





IWK 302 Penelitian di bidang pendidikan bahasa dan linguistik terapan / Research in language education and applied linguistics (6 sks)


IWK 304 English-preneurship / English-preneurship (6 sks)


IWK 306 Manajemen Citra Diri / Personal Branding Management (2 sks)



Mata Kuliah Pilihan Wajib Sesuai Peminatan sebagai bagian dari Magang Terstruktur:

IWP 102 Pelatihan Calon Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk Penutur Asing / EFL Student-Teacher in Practice (6 sks)


IWP 104 Pelatihan Calon Guru Bahasa Inggris untuk Penutur Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua / ESL Student-Teacher in Practice (6 sks)


IWP 106 Pelatihan Calon Instruktur ESP / Teaching ESP in Practice (6 sks)


IWP 108 Pelatihan Calon Pembuat Materi Edukasi Berbasis Digital / Digital Educational Content Creator in Practice (6 sks)

IWP 112 Praktek Penerjemahan / Translation in practice (6 sks)





IWK 400 Seminar / Seminar (4 sks)

This course aims to provide students with a wide variety of competence dealing with research on foreign language teaching, English language, applied linguistics, and Englishpreneurship. It sheds light on the link between theories and practices. Equipped with this knowledge, students are to write a research proposal on a particular topic and to present it in class.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. During and upon the completion of this course, students are expected to write a (research) paper proposal on foreign language teaching, English language, applied linguistics, and Englishpreneurship
  2. During and upon the completion of this course, students are expected to present their (research) paper proposal in class.
  3. During and upon the completion of this course, students are expected to ask and answer questions, give suggestions, and comments on any paper presented.
  4. During and upon the completion of this course, students are expected to become a moderator in class/paper presentation.


IWK 401 Metode Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing / Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language (4 sks)

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman mengenai prinsip-prinsip yang mendasari  metode pengajaran bahasa Indonesia bagi penutur asing (BIPA). Mata kuliah ini juga membekali siswa dengan teknik-teknik pengajaran empat keterampilan berbahasa: menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis; dan komponen bahasa, yang meliputi kosakata dan tata bahasa. Mahasiswa juga belajar teknik mengintegrasikan materi budaya dalam pembelajaran BIPA. Mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk melakukan observasi kelas BIPA, secara langsung atau melalui video, untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai penerapan konsep, prinsip, dan teknik pembelajaran BIPA serta karakteristik pemelajar BIPA.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Mengidentifikasi konsep dan prinsip pembelajaran BIPA; dan karakteristik pemelajar BIPA.
  2. Menjelaskan berbagai metode pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing.
  3. Mengidentifikasi teknik pengajaran keterampilan menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis dalam kelas BIPA.
  4. Mengidentifikasi teknik pengajaran kosakata dan tata bahasa dalam kelas BIPA.
  5. Mengintegrasikan materi budaya dalam pembelajaran BIPA.
  6. Merancang kegiatan dan tehnik untuk pengajaran empat keterampilan berbahasa dalam kelas BIPA.
  7. Merancang kegiatan dan tehnik untuk pengajaran pengetahuan kebahasaaan dalam kelas BIPA.


IWK 403 Pengembangan bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia berbasis kontekstual / Teaching Indonesian in Context(4 sks)

Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan tentang kurikulum bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa asing (BIPA) sesuai dengan standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) BIPA, khususnya BIPA 1 dan BIPA 2, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri No. 27 Tahun 2018. Mata kuliah ini juga melatih kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyusun Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan kelengkapannya untuk pembelajaran BIPA luring dan daring. Selanjutnya mahasiswa melakukan praktik simulasi mengajar menggunakan RPP dan kelengkapannya yang sudah dikembangkan. Pada akhir pembelajaran, mahasiswa diminta untuk mengevaluasi RPP beserta kelengkapannya, dan praktik simulasi mengajar.


By the end of the course students are able to:

  1. Menjelaskan kurikulum dan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) BIPA sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri No. 27 Tahun 2018.
  2. Menjelaskan secara detail standar kompetensi lulusan tingkat BIPA 1 dan BIPA 2.
  3. Menganalisis contoh materi untuk tingkat BIPA 1 dan BIPA 2 menggunakan SKL BIPA.
  4. Mengembangkan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran BIPA beserta kelengkapannya.
  5. Menerapkan RPP BIPA dalam kegiatan simulasi pembelajaran.
  6. Mengevaluasi RPP BIPA beserta kelengkapannya dan kegiatan simulasi pembelajaran.





IWK 500 Skripsi / Thesis (6 sks)