Facilities of Worship

Chapel of St. Albertus Magnus

Sarana Ibadah facilities at the Faculty of Law of the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika Atma Jaya) are an important element that reflects the university's commitment to the holistic development of students, lecturers, and staff, not only in academic aspects but also in spiritual and moral growth. The following is an explanation of the understanding and benefits of worship facilities for the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University:




Sarana Ibadah

Places of Contemplation and Worship

Worship facilities provide a quiet and peaceful space for contemplation, prayer, and religious practice, supporting the spiritual needs of the campus community.

Religious Activity Center

Serves as a center for religious activities, such as regular worship, religious studies, and special religious events that support faith-based community building.

Symbol of Diversity and Inclusivity

Reflects the university's commitment to diversity and inclusivity, encouraging understanding and respect for various religious traditions among students, faculty, and staff.


Benefits of Worship Facilities for Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University

Character and Ethics Building

Support character building and ethics in the academic community, emphasizing the importance of integrity, fairness, and social responsibility that often align with religious values.

Life Balance

Provides space for individuals to seek a balance between academic and personal life pressures, promoting mental health and general well-being.

Community Unifier

Worship facilities play a unifying role, bringing individuals together in religious and spiritual contexts, strengthening the sense of community and togetherness on campus.

Respect for Diversity

Provide inclusive worship facilities reflecting and respecting the diversity of religions and beliefs among students, faculty, and staff, enriching the campus experience.

Integral Education Supporters

Strengthen the university's commitment to integral education that considers the intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of learning and growth.


Thus, worship facilities at the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University not only support spiritual and religious growth, but also enrich the educational experience by emphasizing character building, inclusivity, and holistic life balance for the entire campus community.