Disability Facilities

Disability facilities at the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (Unika Atma Jaya) are an important aspect that reflects the university's commitment to inclusivity and equal access to education for all individuals, including those with special needs. These facilities are designed to ensure that students, faculty and staff with disabilities can participate fully in academic and social life on campus. The following is an explanation of the understanding and benefits of disability facilities for the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University:




Physical Accessibility

Includes accessible ramps, elevators, and toilets, ensuring that buildings and other facilities are accessible to everyone.


Accessible Learning Resources

Includes textbooks in accessible formats, such as Braille or audio, as well as assistive technologies, such as screen reader software or sound amplifiers.


Special Support and Accommodations

Provide support services, such as sign language interpreters, personal helpers, or adjustments in exam and assessment arrangements.




Ensuring Equality in Education

Disability facilities ensure that all students have equal access to educational resources, supporting the principles of equity and justice.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Demonstrates the university's commitment to inclusion, fostering a diverse environment where every member of the community is valued and respected.


Raising Awareness and Empathy

The presence and use of disability facilities increases awareness and empathy among students and staff, promoting understanding and respect for the needs of others.


Supporting Independence and Participation

These facilities help individuals with disabilities become more independent and actively participate in all aspects of campus life, from academics to extracurriculars.


Building an Inclusive Society

By supporting the needs of students, faculty and staff with disabilities, the university builds an inclusive society that recognises and celebrates diversity in all its forms.


Overall, the disability facilities at Atma Jaya Catholic University's Faculty of Law play an important role in ensuring that higher education is an inclusive and accessible experience for everyone, regardless of their specific challenges or needs. The facility not only reinforces the values of justice and equality but also enriches the university community as a whole by promoting diversity, inclusion, and understanding.