Disability Services

Disability services at the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (UNIKA ATMA JAYA) are an integral part of a support system designed to ensure accessibility and inclusivity in an academic environment. The aim is to provide appropriate support and remove barriers that students with special needs may face, enabling them to participate fully in teaching and learning activities. The following is a more detailed explanation of the definition and role of disability services in the implementation of teaching and learning activities:

Definition of Disability Services

  1. Dedicated Support : Disability services provide various forms of support, adaptation or modification needed to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities. This can include academic, technical, physical, or psychological support.

  2. Accessibility : This service aims to ensure that all aspects of teaching and learning activities, including learning materials, physical facilities, and online resources, are accessible to all students, without exception.

  3. Equality : Promote equity in education by ensuring that students with disabilities have the same opportunities to participate and succeed in their studies as other students.

The Role of Disability Services

One of the things provided is in the form of:

  1. Psychological and Social Support : Provides counselling and social support to help students overcome psychological or social challenges they may face in an academic setting.

  2. Advocacy and Awareness : Increase awareness and understanding among staff and students about the challenges faced by students with disabilities, and promote inclusive policies and practices.

  3. Coordination with External Services and Resources : Work with external institutions or services to provide additional or specific resources that students may need.

Through disability services, the Faculty of Law of UNIKA ATMA JAYA is committed to creating a learning environment that is supportive, inclusive, and accessible to all students. The service plays an important role in ensuring that all students, regardless of the obstacles or challenges they face, have an equal opportunity to reach their full academic potential. 

In an effort to realize this development, the Faculty of Law of UNIKA ATMA JAYA collaborates with CAMPUS MINISTRY UNIKA ATMA JAYA. CAMPUS MINISTRY UNIKA ATMA JAYA is  a Campus Ministry (CM) is one of the Work Units in Atma Jaya Catholic University which was "already" formed initially in the counseling services of Atma Jaya Presbytery. However, it was only inaugurated as a Work Unit on March 20, 2017, through the Decree of the Atma Jaya Foundation Jakarta.

For information related to CAMPUS MINISTRY UNIKA ATMA JAYA and the services provided, please access the link: 
